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Packrafting and hiking on the lake 
Gorges du Verdon

navigation packraft lac Verdon.jpg


The trip 

We leave to live a unique adventure linking a hike overlooking the lake of Castillon, then a navigation on the wild part of the lake. 



In July/ August, every day 

April, May, June, September, daily on request



1 day - 9am - 4pm


Meeting place 

Parking Piscine Castellane



85€ / person

(no credit card)


For this trip, you need to  

- Be able to swim

- Be in good shape

- Know the basic of kayaking (turn, go straight, stop)


What to prepare 

- A bathing suite

- Closed sports shoes.

- Short, tee-shirt for the hike

- Picnic and water (1,5l/pers)



The packrafting and hiking tour

9h00 - Welcome and explanation of the day

Go to the parking lot of Saint Julien du Verdon at 9:00 am. You will meet your guide who will explain the course of this day. 


Departure around 9.30am

We start the adventure on foot with our packrafts on our back. We walk on a beautiful path that will take us on ridges that overlook Lake Castillon. From here, we can enjoy incredible panoramas, ideal place to picnic. The trek will take us directly to the lake where we will inflate our packrafts.


14h30 - 17h00 Packraft navigation

After an explanation of how the Packraft works, we embark and paddle on Lake Castillon. We sail on a part of the lake very little frequented with in landscapes incredible cliffs. We cross the lake to reach coves inaccessible from the road. We take advantage of these small beaches to swim and enjoy this magical place before returning to the port of the small village. 

At the end, we arrive in a small beach where we finish the packraft. We deflate the boat.  We start a small hike of 20 min to return to the first village where we start !


End of exit around 17:00. 

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